Dust 11 break down

I’ve only started playing cs go competitive since late January 2016. I’m not the best but this is how much I’ve analysed. So I played my 10 provisional and I was placed in SEM (silver elite master) and to where I am right now gold nova 2.  So let’s talk about game plans and from counter terrorist. Also, learning the call outs to the map is pretty helpful too.

Dust Calls
2 a site
2 b site can g
1 middle.

Middle Break down

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Middle site break down
Player 3
Usually is an awper.
Job: to watch the middle suicide/ challenge the guy from terrorist home/
Also to make sure that the terrorist doesn’t go mid

B site break down
Player 4 usually either back of site watching the uppers
Player 5 usually backing up player 4 / vice versa

From playing in silver people usually run around with their heads cut off. And start to rush usually it works a couple times and after that they catch on. So mix it up.
Play site

Protip 101. If you want to switch sites let your team know that you are switching sites. If you drop a site let the team know. Not everyone can read your mind

If you see the other team rushing and no site of bomb. Do not rotate out of your site/ or have the other player rotate out of the site and have one person and the other one

Let’s get into the plays. / Mind set of the t while playing ct.

When playing middle it is a hard thing to do. I personally have never played middle or if I did I don’t think I was doing it correctly.
If you are getting wrecked from the 1v1 challenge. Jump past the door and watch cat and Xbox.
If they smoked out the middle call one guy from b to help you out. They should usually have an SMG or a rifle


Now going to the Guys Who is playing A site.



A Site Plays

A site break down
Player 1 goes long and watches door.
Player 2 watches cat.

Player 1 job.




Player 1: is playing long, so anywhere is good there usually so you can play the pit, fall back play the truck.

So these are the spots you can be watching while at long.


Player 2: is watching cat, you can play the gay corner or play up front where the stairs are/ on the a ramp looking at cat.

Player 2 Job.

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Player 2: is watching cat, you can play the gay corner or play up front where the stairs are/ on the a ramp looking at cat.


B Site Breakdown

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Player 4. Watching the uppers

Player 5. Watching with a SMG/ Rifle.

Either or works out.

If mid is having trouble or they are smoking it out. have the SMG/Rifle to assist at mid.

Play Two

Player 1 has an AWP

Sit on site or around the site area and watches long and catch the guy when they cross.

If they manage to get into pit, don’t challenge them, (my tip) have your gun out and work your way towards cat. catch  them on the cross,( it’s easier for you to hit them while they are running than it is for you to to keep peaking and adjusting.

Player 2 SMG or a rifle

If they do manage to cross SMG or the rifle would play on top of the site while the AWPer is moving towards cat area. you can pick them off a little better since you are closer than the AWPer.

So in Competitive

Pistol round is pretty important it dictates the next couple of points that go on.

if you lose the first round depending on and you’re CT/ T Side. buy a pistol for the next couple of rounds until your money supply reaches 4k.

After you reach 4k buy whatever you need to buy.

CT/T if you have won the first round you should buy a light round. SMG, armor

When your money reserves go lower than 2k you should save that round.Also, before you buy, you should look around your team to see how much they have.




Published by for all

Just a Blog about my life I guess, and things that interest me.

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