
Day: 1

Wasn’t as bad as a shit show when I came here the other time. Maybe it’s because china’s on a holiday. Arrived around 7:40 ish. on the way back to my uncles place. We hit some traffic made it back around 920 and decided to get some dinner since it was getting late.

Dish 1: Got some Congee with Chinese donut, fish stomach, peanuts, that stuff with takoyaki and squid. wasn’t

Dish 2: Chinese creep with pork.

Dish 3: Noodle kinda like stir fried noodles.

Dish 4: Noodles in soup

Went home and took the route back home. it was about 80 degrees with like high humidity made it home around 11:40, and passed out.

Day: 2

Note to self. Maybe I should take some pictures to post along with this blog?!

Woke up around 7:30 and went to work with my uncle to help try and improve his business so he can make more money and support me. LOL.

We had a driver come pick us up around 8:30. So many people on the road that can’t drive. it was crazy.

Made it to the factory around 9:45ish? along the way we picked up other people.

Started working right when we got there. was a little jetlagged but it was okay. Took a tour of the factory to see what I can when promoting i guess.

around 12:40 ate lunch. Wasn’t very special. it was 2 pork patties and some veggies on the bottom.with rice of course.

was itching the back of my ear when i noticed blood. Turns out that i itched an Mosquito and killed it.

around 4:30 when we got off of work. got back around maybe 530? we hit traffic usually it takes about 1 hour to get to the work place and 1 hour back. so much driving.

Met up with my mom and her friends. Talking to her friends and they asked if i liked playing games.

turns out that her son opened up a gaming place. It’s pretty successful and really nice looking. played a game of overwatch and did pretty bad. lol those Chinese are pretty good at it.

Came home and passed out again around 11. now up Chilling.


Published by for all

Just a Blog about my life I guess, and things that interest me.

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